Our dental practice is all about happy patients and beautiful, healthy smiles.
Our team of dental professionals will listen to your concerns and be attentive to your needs in our friendly, relaxed environment.
Your oral health is our primary concern. We offer a wide range of services to ensure that your needs are covered. These include:
Preventive dental treatments such as check ups, x-rays, treatment planning, dental cleaning (scale and polish), fissure sealants, splints and mouthguards
General dental treatments such as restorations (fillings) and extractions
Major dental treatments such as root canal treatment, periodontal debridement, inlays, onlays, crown and bridge work and dentures
Cosmetic dental treatments such as orthodontics, veneers, crown and bridge work, whitening and smile makeovers
Specialised services such as laser surgery, sleep appliances, implants and surgical extractions completed by our consulting oral surgeon, with the option for sedation by a qualified anaesthetist.